How Glass For Windows Is Made

Without glass, life is imaginable, it is relied upon by everyone and is found everywhere around you. From windows to phones, cars and computer, glass is very important to everyday life. It is very useful due to how practical and beneficial the properties glass provides to us, such as easy to mould, how versatile, the low cost to make and transparency therefore, offering us many uses. With all the work and science behind how glass is made, it is rarely appreciated. So how is glass made? Below are steps involved in the making of glass and especially glass for windows.

How Liquid Glass Is Made

Glass Is made from melting elements at a high temperature of 1700 degrees Celsius. A mixture of lime, sand and soda is used, and once heated will create liquid glass. This is then used to make sheets through cooling the liquid then flattening. There are many different steps in making glass depending on what the glass is made for. For example, a window will have different steps than a making of a vase or ornament.

Drawing Method

For a window, once the mixture has cooled down it can then be moulded. This should be done immediately as the cooler the liquid gets, the tougher the liquid will be. The more firm the liquid is, it will be very difficult to shape and mould.

The drawing method is used for making windows. This process is used to shape and mould. At this point the the glass is put into melted tin and then will then be transformed into a sheet of glass.

Annealing Process

The next step will involve reheating once again, and cooled down. This will help strengthen the glass. Another step that may also be used is to reheat the glass and freeze by a blast of cold air.

Finishing Touches

Once all these steps have been done, the glass for the window can be glazed or coated.

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