How often should you clean your windows?

Window cleaning is an essential part of being a property owner for many reasons. There are many benefits to cleaning your windows as not only will it keep your windows looking better years in the future, but it will also protect indoor air quality and ensure that your property is more energy efficient. So now that we have established some of the many benefits of keeping those windows sparkly clean, how often is ideal to clean them?

Like a lot of things related to window-cleaning, how often we recommend that you get your windows cleaned really comes down to your property, and its location. For example, if you live in a location which makes your property particularly susceptible to getting dirty perhaps due to pollution, then you will need to clean them more frequently than a property which is not susceptible to the same level of dirt collecting on the windows’ surfaces.

Other factors which may affect how frequently you have to clean your windows apart from pollution are exposure to a lot of pollen, debris or dust. Thus, you should increase your frequency of cleaning to reduce dirt and grime building up, and to prevent the glass deteriorating.

On the whole, we would advise that as a minimum, you should have your windows cleaned at least twice a year. If you want to find out how often is ideal for your specific property, then get in touch with our friendly team here at Prudential Window Cleaning, and we would be more than happy to help and advise you.

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